Dental Waste Disposal

Hazardous materials like mercury and lead are often found in dental waste. If any of these materials are disposed of as solid waste, incinerated or washed down a drain, they can contaminate our environment.

Government and environmental regulations strictly require that dental waste be managed properly and safely. Maine Medical Waste Disposal offers complete waste disposal specifically for dental waste. Materials and items disposed of correctly include contact and non-contact dental amalgam scrap and capsules, amalgam separators, chair side traps and filters, x-ray fixer and developer, mercury and mercury spill kits, lead foil and more.

For more information and inquiries please CONTACT US.


After several dental office calls asking questions . You do not need to ship Dental Anesthesia containers ( empty trace residues ) in separate waste boxes per the State Of Maine DEP. This is a platform being marketed by a large waste company for extra charges.
Fixer and developer can be treated in house and then disposed as regular trash no need to ship as regulated waste.
Here is the link for your office:

Also, Fixer and Developer from dental xrays can be treated inhouse and not shipped by any outside sources. After treating these products they can simply be discarded in general trash waste.

With flexible pick-up hours and a 24-hour customer service center, you can rest assured that Maine Medical Waste Disposal will get the job done well.